The Church

In 1973, he registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) the Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch). When asked in what capacity he is registering the Church, he replied, “I was personally called by Christ to be a minister.”

He stood upon the belief in the centrality and authority of the Bible. He proclaimed the biblical truth of apostolic authority in preaching God’s word. He taught of being in the same spirit and attribute as the early church. Having the assurance of the calling of God, everyone who listened and obeyed to his preaching has the same assurance of being called by God. Furthermore, his utmost desire was and is to prepare the believers for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Being a disciple of Christ, Apostle Arsenio exhibits true and biblical lifestyle. First and foremost, he practically dedicated his whole life in pursuing the best for the work of God. His passion for prayer is reflected in the prayer life of the Church. Every dawn at every locale, morning devotion is being held. The return to biblical worship was also manifested. From kneeling in worship to weekly celebration of the holy communion, he returned to what the Bible taught.

He led the PMCC 4th Watch in establishing churches in 23 provinces in a six-year period. Presently, there are more than 600 locales established throughout the country with houses of worship being built in major cities and municipalities.

Apostle Arsenio trained the early ministers through Bible lessons every Tuesday in Marikina. Bishop Rustico Zonio would make a two-hour bike ride from Angono to Marikina and back to listen to the Apostle teach. These Bible study would later include members.

By 1982, the Maranatha Kindergarten became Maranatha Pre-School with the introduction of a 1st grade class. Over the passing of years, this educational arm of the PMCC (4th Watch) has gone through several remarkable transformations; yet, the school remained true to its values – quality, affordability and Christian education for all.
Apostle ATF has always set his sights on bringing the 4th Watch message throughout the nations of the world. He has said it numerous times that the PMCC (4th Watch) will one day become a “global denomination.” Finally, God opened a door for him to begin realizing this vision in 1986.

In the early 80’s, a growing number of Filipinos started migrating to Hong Kong in search of jobs. Many brethren joined this economic exodus to this tiny but bustling city. As their number grew, they started to gather to worship and fellowship.

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