Apostle's Characteristics
Great men aren’t born. They are made. Sculpted, shaped and molded by their failures and victories, by their setbacks and their breakthroughs and ultimately, by their embrace of their divine destiny. This is who Arsenio Tan Ferriol is.
In 1973, Apostle Arsenio registered the PMCC (4th Watch) with the belief in the centrality and authority of the Bible, emphasizing apostolic preaching. Under his leadership, the church rapidly grew, establishing many congregations and training ministers. His marriage to Pastor Leticia Santos in 1964 produced a strong partnership that built a global ministry while raising six children. His legacy includes pioneering churches, holding national conventions, and leading a church committed to biblical worship and evangelism. Apostle Arsenio’s life and ministry reflect unwavering dedication to prayer, evangelism, and visionary leadership, resulting in a global impact for the PMCC (4th Watch).