Today, we joyfully extend our heartfelt greetings to Evangelist and Presbyter Leticia Ferriol, a cherished pioneer of the PMCC (4th Watch) and a devoted partner to the Apostle in life and faith.
Throughout the years, her ministry has stood as a beacon of inspiration, showcasing selfless dedication to the work of God. Leticia Ferriol’s loyalty to the Church and the divine calling of the Apostle is unparalleled, embodying the promise of God for the Church – small beginnings but a great future.
The union of Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol and Evangelist Leticia Ferriol laid the foundations of the Church’s resilience and unwavering commitment to the Gospel. Every time she graces the pulpit, she not only inspires us to embrace our faith but also fervently motivates us to offer the highest and most powerful praise that God deserves. She is, indeed, a great motivator!
As we celebrate her birthday, let’s not only honor the years she has dedicated to fervently serving God but also express our profound gratitude for the indelible impact she has had on our spiritual journey. May her life continue to shine as a guiding light, inspiring us to live purposefully in the years to come. Join us in expressing gratitude and celebrating the enduring legacy of Evangelist and Presbyter Leticia Ferriol.
Happy birthday to our beloved Evangelist! May the years ahead be filled with continued blessings, joy, and love in your ministry.