Historic Documentary Showcases the Largest Home Free Global Crusade to Date
by: 4th Watch Media
Earlier this year, Apostle Jonathan S. Ferriol led the largest and longest-running Home Free Global Crusade, covering 12 cities across four countries. This documentary takes you behind the scenes, revealing powerful, never-before-seen footage.
Home Free 15 Crusade Culminates with a Record-Breaking Finale in Dubai, UAE
by: PMCC (4th Watch) Dubai News Correspondent
The Home Free 15 Global Crusade Tour culminated in a record-breaking finale in Dubai, UAE, with 202 souls baptized. Held as part of the UAE’s Threefold Summit, this historic event marked a monumental milestone in soul-winning and spiritual awakening in the Middle East.
AATF Miracle Building Inauguration Day: A Testament to God’s Faithfulness
by: Editorial Team
Celebrating the inauguration of the AATF Miracle Building, a testament to God’s faithfulness and the dedicated leadership of PMCC (4th Watch).
by: Editorial Team
The PMCC (4th Watch) Global Headquarters celebrates its soft opening, honoring the legacy of Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol and the dedication of Apostle Jonathan S. Ferriol and church leaders.
Honoring the Legacy of Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol: A Day of Reflection and Renewal
by: Patricia Yvonne Cruz
Join PMCC (4th Watch) in remembering the life of Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol. Apostle Jonathan Ferriol leads the Global Memorial Service, urging unity and Apostolic dedication worldwide.
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